Contact the Arizona Mountain Region
We are the Arizona Mountain Region (AZM) of the Porsche Club of America (, and we are car people. We are not Porsche owners because they are expensive. We are Porsche owners because they are fun! We get together because we like each other, and we think you will like us too! Drop us a line, join a meeting, ask a question; we will be happy to help in any way we can with your Porsche experience.
Arizona Mountain Region Board Members

Arizona Mountain Region Board Chairs
Activities Chair: Jeffrey Boehm
Dealer Liaison Chair: E.C. Mueller
Driving Tours Chair: Jeffrey Boehm
Chief Driving Instructor: Phil Mullen
Test Drive Chair: Steve Sweet
Webmasters: E.C. Mueller & Jeff Swain
Autocross Chair: Mike Sutter and Jeff Swain
Social Media Chair: Jeff Swain
Charity Chair: Keith Guidus