Come for the cars …. Continue for the people!
Hello APRIL! It’s a new month, new beginning, new mindset, new focus, new start, new RESULTS!
***Let’s get DRIVING***
Spring is coming, I am sure of it. We have been feverishly planning for the 2nd Quarter and beyond with exciting and different events for everyone to enjoy. We can always use more participation on the Activity Committee~ Volunteering is always welcomed.
- We kick off April with our iconic Route 66 Drive on April 10-11th. Registration is closed but information is HERE
- Don’t forget Porsches & Pancakes on April 13th Get the details HERE
- Come join us for the Cruise for Vet’s on April 20th – The details are in a separate email blast. Access the entry form HERE.
- Limited access so sign-up fast when the emailer comes for the Ryan Falconer Racing Engines Visit on April 23rd. Get the details and sign up HERE.
- May 2nd brings another Social Dinner at the “Liqueur Deli” in Prescott. Watch for the sign-up email!
- May 18th brings a drive to the valley, a visit to Alpios Nostalgia Event venue, and a Peak View Garage stopover. Lunch afterwards at the Creekside Lodge & Cabins The full description and registration is HERE.
– Lot’s more coming so watch the WEBSITE CALENDAR CLOSELY BY CLICKING HERE.
– In other news the San Diego Region is hosting a PORSCHE ONLY swap meet on April 6th Interested? Click HERE.
– At a recent National Board Meeting it was voted to raise annual dues Effective May 1, 2024. Membership of the Club shall be $56.00 (from $46) for a one (1) year membership. The dues for a two (2) year membership shall be $110.00, and the dues for a three (3) year membership shall be $162.00. We will enjoy a larger stipend from the PCA for our club treasury. Over 10 years since an increase so it had to be done. RENEW EARLY if you want to beat the increase.
– Don’t forget PARADE 2024 in Birmingham, Alabama. Overview, dates and more available HERE.
– Be sure to look at the GALLERY for pictures from our Bagdad Drive & Lunch on March 2nd, and the Merkin Hilltop Drive & Dinner from March 14th. The Gallery is updtated following events and YOUR picture may be there too! GALLERY.
Kind Regards,
Lorraine Friedman