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It's Not Just the Cars...It's the People!

Canyon Views – AZM Newsletter

December 2022

2023 Incoming President Letter

To the Arizona Mountain Porsche Community,
Wow, 2023 is nearly here! There is so much to do to close out this year and enter 2023 with a boom! I am humbled by all the best wishes and support from members and look forward to meeting many more of you. As I look into my new position alongside of the new AZM Board, I am committed to being a leader that encourages growth, community, inclusion, and most importantly fun! After all, we are a car club and our primary purpose is to drive, travel, and have new adventures.

Most important for all members to know is that we are in the final stages of a developing our new website. It is exciting to have such an accomplishment in early 2023 because the modern site is a major improvement and a way to better communicate, distribute information, stay transparent, and keep everyone updated on what’s happening. I anticipate that the website will improve our membership involvement in events and give everyone the forum to interject ideas and opinions. It will be a huge factor in making 2023 a banner year, AZM’s 5th Anniversary Year! Remember, “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people.”

We have had a substantial increase in volunteers for our committees, and as the saying goes “the more hands, the lighter the work” — so I encourage everyone to come to us with your expertise and interest and join a committee that appeals to you. Trust me, it’s more fun than work!

We have openings for volunteers in many committees and welcome all comers to join in; Activities, Socials, and Membership all need supporting roles. Please reach out to me or any AZM Board Member if you’d like to join one of these committees. We also want to start a AZM Facebook page, and I dream of a n AZM Newsletter. So, if you have hidden talent in these areas, I’d love to talk to you.

I hope to pick the brains of those that came before me and glean the best (and the worst) of our prior accomplishments. I value the wisdom of my predecessors and can make us better than ever by using their collective knowledge.

We are all “Gassed Up, and Ready to Roll” — Let’s get to it!

Respectfully yours,
Lorraine M Friedman
Arizona Mountain Region, Porsche Club of America

PCA AZM Board Member Lorraine Friedman

AZM Region President
Lorraine Friedman

AZM Sponsor

PCA AZM: Sponsorship opportunity

Donation Delivered to Yavapai County Food Bank

Outgoing Arizona Mountain Region President, Robert Taylor (L) and incoming President, Lorraine Friedman (R) present $1,000 donation check to Ann Wilson, Executive Director of the Yavapai County Food Bank (
Thank you Members for helping to make this possible

Arizona Mountain Region: Yavapai Food Bank Delivery

Bob Taylor and Lorraine Friedman present check to the Yavapai County Food Bank, December 2022

2022 Year-End Presidents Letter

December 12, 2022

Dear AZM members,
As 2022 draws to a close, I would like to give a “State-of-the-Region” report to the membership. I want to thank the membership for supporting me in my two years as AZM President. It has been very gratifying to me to receive the support of the membership as I have seen both familiar and new faces at our driving and social events. I urge our members to continue to do the great work we do in the AZM Region of the PCA as we enjoy our wonderful Porsches.

This year has been outstanding for events and membership growth. According to the PCA, we currently have 262 members in the region. This represents growth of at least 5% from last year. This is very significant as our Region is not quite 5 years old. We are getting new members from all over the region, including the Prescott area, Verde Valley, Flagstaff, Kingman, and Lake Havasu. Most of our new members are coming from areas outside of Prescott, which is testimony to the geographic diversity of the membership. We make efforts to support all geographic areas of the region with our events and are blessed to have great options for driving tours that are not available to other PCA regions!

In 2022, we put on 14 driving events, or just over one a month. This does not include our monthly Porsches ‘n Pancakes breakfasts in Prescott that have been very well-attended. Our 2023 event calendar is almost completely set. I look forward to additional drives and socialization opportunities in the next year. We have exciting drives on the calendar and others that are still being finalized.

On January 1, 2023, I will turn the gavel over to our new President, Lorraine Friedman, and become immediate Past-President. I welcome our incoming Vice-President, Joel Miculinic, who has served the region for many years as our Membership Chair. Linda Fuegen will once again serve as our Treasurer. E.C. Mueller, our current Verde Valley representative, will take over as Secretary. We have a very strong and experienced leadership team.

One of the greatest accomplishments that the membership will soon see is the enhanced quality of our region website. Due to the growth of the region, the board of directors has been able to commit the necessary funds to purchase the technology that will result in greater website content, efficiency, and transparency. Thanks to all of you who have been so patient as we have confronted these technological challenges.

I also want to thank our community business partners and other individuals who have contributed to the region. Such sponsorship allows the region to give back to the members. Finally, such sponsorship also allows us to contribute to local charities like the Yavapai Food Bank ( and Toys for Tots (, the beneficiaries of donations from our 2022 Holiday Party.

We are a great region and I thank you all for the honor and privilege to serve as your President in 2021 and 2022.

Robert H. (“Bob”) Taylor
Arizona Mountain Region, Porsche Club of America

Arizona Mountain Region Holiday ParTee

Bob Taylor and Lorraine Friedman
Annual Holiday Par-Tee, December 2022

AZM Sponsor

PCA AZM: Sponsorship opportunity
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