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It's Not Just the Cars...It's the People!

CANYON VIEWS – September 2024

Come for the cars …. Continue for the people!


September marks the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere so BRING IT ON!  There is the Labor Day holiday, the harvest moon, cooler temperatures, changing foliage, pumpkins and diminishing daylight hours.  Let’s lean into all of them and prepare to enjoy the 9th month of the year!

Special mention to the WORKERS who helped build America and give her the strength and prosperity we enjoy today.  Let this holiday be about those achievements and not only the burgers on the grill!

  • If you haven’t already registered do so TODAY for the New (and old) Member Picnic on Sept. 15th do so now HERE.  This is the perfect time to meet the upcoming Executive Committee candidates for 2025, and to mingle and connect with our newest members.
  • We are well into the fundraising for our VETERAN’s EVENT on Nov 16th. Many thanks to those who have contributed but we need everyone to contribute whatever they can to meet our goal and have a smashing event once again.   We are behind where we were last year at this time. DONATE HERE
  • Watch for the flyer and registration link coming soon for the HOLIDAY PARTY on Saturday December 14th 5:30-9:00 pm. This year it is being held at the Capital Canyon Club in Prescott.  SHHH- the club is subsidizing the cost so register as soon as you see it, capacity is 65 people!
  • Clink this link to a full-page ad for CLUB RACER (PCA Club Racing’s official publication) Click here
  • Our neighbors to the south have finally confirmed their annual Concour. It was months in the making and is finally here!  Friday Oct 25th – Saturday Oct 26th.    Registration details are HERE.
  • Did you know you can keep up to date with all club important happenings by reading the board meeting minutes? They are posted on our website each month for you to review and are archived back a few years too.  Click HERE.
  • Keep up with what’s happening not only in our local club (AZM) but also in our PCA Zone! Zone 8 Calendar | Zone 8 – Porsche Club of America
  • Last but not least be sure to join Jasper Cars & Coffee! Organized by Jeff Swain on the 1st Sunday of each month, a great way to start each month and enjoy a fantastic view.  It starts at 8:00am and located at the J Club at Jasper/Superb Foods, 4700 N Still Well Pkway, Prescott Valley AZ 86314

Hoping to see you all soon and be sure to support our sponsors with your Porsche needs!

Respectfully submitted,

Lorraine Friedman

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